Programme overview

The four-year B.Sc. nursing program trains students in generalist nursing and midwifery practice. Core elements include acquiring knowledge on wellness, health promotion, disease management, and end-of-life care. The emphasis is on mastering competencies. Learning takes place in skill labs, simulated labs, and clinical settings. Simulation is integrated throughout the curriculum to develop competencies before real-world practice. The program follows a credit system and semester format, with modifications for professional education. It comprises foundational, core, and elective courses. Electives are offered as modules, and modular learning is also integrated into mandatory courses. After completion, graduates are equipped to practice nursing and midwifery in public or private healthcare settings.

  • 4 Years

    Duration of Program

  • UG Degree Programme

    Level of Study

Key Highlights

Produce knowledgeable, competent, and caring nurses.
Midwives with critical thinking skills.
Prepare them to provide a wide range of healthcare services
Enable independent decision-making and research
Prepare them for roles as practitioners, teachers, supervisors

How will you benefit

The programme prepares nurses and midwives for generalist nursing, including midwifery practise. Knowledge acquisition related to wellness, health promotion, illness, disease management, and care of the dying is core to nursing practise.
The mastery of competencies is the main focus. Students are provided with opportunities to learn a whole range of skills in addition to acquiring knowledge related to nursing practise (nursing and midwifery).
This program's outcomes are achieved through learning in the skill lab, simulated lab, and clinical environment.
Simulation will be integrated throughout the curriculum wherever feasible to enable them to develop competencies before entry into a real field of practise.

What will you study

The Scope of nursing and midwifery practise encompasses the provision of promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects of care to people across the life span in a wide variety of healthcare settings.

Nursing practise is based on the acquisition of knowledge, understanding, attitude, competencies, and skills through the Council‘s curricula and practise standards.

The undergraduate nursing programme is a broad-based education within an academic curricular framework specifically directed to the development of critical thinking skills and competencies appropriate to human and professional values.

A blended learning approach comprising experiential learning, reflective learning, scenario-based learning, and simulated learning is also inbuilt.

  • PO1 - Utilise critical thinking to synthesise knowledge derived from physical, biological, behavioural, and humanities sciences in the practise of professional nursing and midwifery.
  • PO2 - Practise professional nursing and midwifery competently and safely in diverse settings, utilising caring, critical thinking, and therapeutic nursing interventions with individuals, families, populations, and communities at any developmental stage and with varied lived health experiences.
  • PO3 - Provide promotional, preventive, and restorative health services in line with national health policies and programmes.
  • PO4 - Integrate professional caring into practise decisions that encompass values, ethics, morals, and legal aspects of nursing.
  • PO5 - Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of oneself and others.

  • PO1 - Patient-centred care: Provide holistic care recognising the individual patient‘s preferences, values, and needs that is compassionate, coordinated, age- and culturally appropriate, safe, and effective.
  • PO2 - Professionalism: Demonstrate accountability for the delivery of standard-based nursing care as per the Council standards that is consistent with moral, altruistic, legal, ethical, regulatory, and humanistic principles.
  • PO3 - Teaching and Leadership: Influence the behaviour of individuals and groups within their environment and facilitate the establishment of shared goals through teaching and leadership.
  • PO4 - System-based practise: Demonstrate awareness and responsiveness to the context of the healthcare system and the ability to manage resources essential to providing optimal quality of care.
  • PO5 - Health informatics and Technology: Use technology, synthesise information, and collaborate to make critical decisions that optimise patient outcomes.
  • PO6 - Communication: Interact effectively with patients, families, and colleagues, fostering mutual respect and shared decision-making to enhance patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
  • PO7 - Teamwork and Collaboration: Function effectively within nursing and interdisciplinary teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, shared decision-making, and team learning and development.
  • PO8 - Safety: Minimise the risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.
  • PO9 - Quality improvement: Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and utilise improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare system.
  • PO10 - Evidence-based practise: Identify, evaluate, and use the best current evidence coupled with clinical expertise and consideration of the patient‘s preferences, experience, and values to make practical decisions

  • POE1 - Apply concepts of leadership, autonomy, and management to the practise of nursing and midwifery to enhance quality and safety in health care.
  • POE2 - Utilise the latest knowledge and skills related to information and technology to enhance patient outcomes.
  • POE3 - Communicate effectively with patients, peers, and all health care providers.
  • POE4 - Utilise the requisite knowledge, skills, and technologies to practise independently and collaboratively with all health professionals, applying the principles of safety and quality improvement.
  • POE5 - Integrate research findings and nursing theory into decision-making in evidence-based practise.
  • POE6 - Accept responsibility and accountability for the effectiveness of one‘s own nursing and midwifery practise and professional growth as a learner, clinician, and leader.
  • POE7 - Participate in the advancement of the profession to improve health care for the betterment of global society.


  • Communicative English
  • Applied Anatomy
  • Applied Physiology
  • Applied Sociology
  • Applied Psychology
  • Nursing Foundations I


Various Government and Private Hospitals
Navy Nursing
Counselling centres


Age: 17-35 years for admission. Qualification: 45% in 12th Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), English compulsory. State/National Open School candidates eligible.

Foreign Nationals: The entry qualification equivalency, i.e., 12th standard, will be obtained by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. Institutions, SNRC, and universities will be responsible for ensuring that the qualifications and eligibili

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