Santosh Choubey Centre For Social Entrepreneurship

About the Centre

The Santosh Choubey Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (SCCSE) is dedicated to establishing itself as a prominent center for education and research in the realm of social entrepreneurship. Supported by AISECT and guided by the expertise of Shri Santosh Choubey, Chairman of AISECT, SCCSE places particular emphasis on empowering marginalized individuals within the public sphere. SCCSE's focus revolves around the intricate interplay among the public, private, and civil sectors of society. The core aim of SCCSE is to enhance the capacities of entities within the third sector and individuals in the private sector who are engaged in voluntary social initiatives. These endeavors by SCCSE contribute significantly to fortifying the operational effectiveness and impact of the third sector, a vital component for the development of India's social welfare framework.

The center successfully organized a National Conference on the "Role of Skill Development, Financial Inclusion & Social Entrepreneurship in Building Atmanirbhar Bharat '' on 26th – 27th April 2023.

Vision of the Centre

Our focus is on becoming India's leading organization for skill development, generating sustainable livelihood opportunities for numerous people. Guided by social entrepreneurs, we strive to blend economic activities with community benefits, aiming for a dual impact that uplifts both individuals and communities.

Mission of the Centre

To encourage social start-ups by mentoring them from problem genesis to potential solutions, in order to ensure that these businesses generate effective and sustainable solutions at an appropriate scale.


Objectives of the Centre

a.      Development of an Ecosystem:

Attempt to develop a sustainable eco-system that assists initiatives in growing through mentorship, infrastructural, networking, and emotional support, as well as facilitating encounters with one another to foster engagements and collaborations.

b.     Nurture several forms of initiatives:

To support a variety of initiatives across numerous problem areas, such as education, employment, health care, energy, water management, art and culture, environment, and others, in order to encourage innovative and sustainable solutions.

c.      Knowledge Creation:

Develop case studies and academic literature on social entrepreneurship, share knowledge on appropriate platforms, and collaborate with other institutions and organisations involved in academics and practice in order to foster the spirit of entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship in the academic, research, and social spheres.


Book Published under the Centre

Re-Imagining Bharat, Social Entrepreneurship in India: Moving Towards Samarth Bharat

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