Code of Conduct & Ethics and Policies 07.06.18


  1. Vision, Mission & Core Values
  2. Code of Conduct for VC, Registrar & Other Officers
  3. Code of Conduct for Teachers
  4. Code of Conduct for Students


  • 1.1 VISION
    To be valued as a coveted centre for nurturing talent, imparting skill based quality education and promoting research driven advancement of knowledge for creating responsible professionals who will build a progressive nation.

  • 1.2 MISSION
    • 1.2.1 To foster research oriented culture in the university.
    • 1.2.2 To provide education through extensive and innovative use of technology
    • 1.2.3 To nurture talent, stimulate thinking, impart skills and create competent and inspired professionals for the industry.
    • 1.2.4 To forge collaborations with academic and corporate bodies across the world.
    • 1.2.5 To be recognized as a premium national university providing dedicated services for the social and economic development of the nation.

    • 1.3.1 INTEGRITY
      Personal and institutional integrity in Rabindranath Tagore University implies coherence between thoughts, words and action in the best interest of the nation.
    • 1.3.2 HONESTY
      It connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as truthfulness, straight forwardness and absence of lying, cheating and theft that the Rabindranath Tagore University expects in every one in the University.
    • 1.3.3 RESPECT
      It makes one fully understand unique contribution that every person in the University makes and values all diverse perspective.
    • 1.3.4 INNOVATION
      Sparking the intellect of the youth in the Rabindranath Tagore University where ever possible to take unbeaten path and develop new methodology & process to empower the society.
    • 1.3.5 EXCELLENCE
      It implies that both individuals and the University as whole will consistently strive for outcomes that are exemplary rather than simply satisfactory.
    • 1.3.6 SERVICE
      Service calls us to use our calibre talent, abilities and capabilities for well being of our countrymen.
    • 1.3.7 HOSPITALITY
      It draws everyone in the Rabindranath Tagore University to do daily work with a positive spirit and welcome new ideas and people with open arms and reassuring smile.
      The Rabindranath Tagore University permits everyone to think freely and express views within the framework of the Indian Constitution and in the best traditions of rich Indian culture.



    • 2.1.1 The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor from the panel recommended by the selection committee constituted for the purpose.
    • 2.1.2 The selection committee referred to in clause 1.1.1 above shall consist of the following members, namely :
      • (i) Two eminent academicians nominated by the Sponsoring Body; and
      • (ii) One eminent person nominated by the State Government.
    • 2.1.3 The Chancellor shall appoint one of the members of the selection committee as Chairman.
    • 2.1.4 The selection committee shall submit a panel of at least three eminent academicians for the appointment of Vice-Chancellor, provided that if the Chancellor does not approve the recommendation of the selection committee, he may call for fresh recommendation from the selection committee.
    • 2.1.5 Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-section, the Chancellor may appoint the first Vice-Chancellor for a period of two years to conduct the affairs of the private university.
    • 2.1.6 The Vice-Chancellor shall, subject to the provision contained in clause 1.1.5 above, hold office for a term of four years according to the provisions of clause (6) of Section 17 of the Act. Provided that, on the expiry of his term; the Vice Chancellor shall be eligible for reappointment for one more term. The proposal for reappointment of the Vice Chancellor shall be considered by the Governing Body at least three months before the expiry of his term, and if approved by the Governing Body, the proposal shall be sent to the Chancellor for his approval. After Chancellor's approval the Vice Chancellor will be reappointed by the Chancellor for another term. The age limit for the Vice-Chancellor shall be 70 years as per UGG norms. Provided further that, in case of an emergency like illness, long absence, resignation or death of a Vice Chancellor, the Chancellor shall assign the duties of the Vice Chancellor to a senior Professor of the University. However this period of interim arrangement shall not exceed more than six months.
    • 2.1.7 Apart from exercising all such powers as described in Section 17 of the Act, the Vice Chancellor shall also exercise powers prescribed in the different Statutes.
    • 2.1.8 The Vice Chancellor shall receive pay and other allowances as decided by the sponsoring body from time to time.
    • 2.1.9 The Vice Chancellor shall cause the budget to be made by the Board of Management of the University. He may also decide to delegate his powers to other officers of the University.
    • 2.1.10 The Vice Chancellor may by writing under his hand addressed to the Chancellor, resign his office.
    • 2.1.11 The Vice Chancellor shall adhere to following principles to maintain standards in Public Life.
      • Selflessness
      • Objectivity
      • Accountability
      • Openness
      • Leadership
    • 2.1.12 The Vice Chancellor shall uphold core values accepted by the University as listed below
      • Integrity
      • Honesty
      • Respect
      • Innovation
      • Excellence
      • Service
      • Hospitality
      • Freedom of Thought and Expression
    • 2.1.13 The actions of Vice Chancellor should promote and protect the good reputation of the University, and the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals.
    • 2.1.14 Decisions taken by him with consent of the VC must have intention the benefit of the University, its students, staff and others with an interest in it, and must be taken with a view to safeguarding the University’s financial health.
    • 2.1.15 The Vice Chancellor shall act for the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the University and for safeguarding its assets.
    • 2.1.16 The Vice Chancellor shall promote the interests of the University; act prudently with reasonable care, skill and diligence; complying with all legal responsibilities imposed on by law.
    • 2.1.17 The Vice Chancellor shall act selflessly in the interests of the University; acting with integrity, in good faith, honestly, objectively, accountably and for a proper purpose; complying with good governance practice and principles.
    • 2.1.18 The Vice Chancellor shall not act for profiting at the University’s expense; in a sectional interest; and shall not misuse the position and authority.
    • 2.1.19 The Vice Chancellor shall conduct in an orderly, fair, open and transparent manner.
    • 2.1.20 The main function of the Vice Chancellor is to implement strategic policy approved by the GB in consultation and with concurrence of the Vice Chancellor.

    • 2.2.1 The registrar will be a key officer of the University. All contracts shall be signed and all documents and records shall be authenticated by the Registrar on behalf of the University.
    • 2.2.2 The Registrar shall be a full time salaried officer of the University and shall discharge his duties under general superintendence and control of the Vice Chancellor.
    • 2.2.3 The appointment of the Registrar shall be made by the Governing Body on the recommendation of the expert committee constituted for the purpose. However, the first Registrar shall be appointed by the Sponsoring Body as per clause 18(1) of the Act. The subsequent Registrar, other than the first Registrar, shall be appointed by the Governing Body on the recommendation of the Expert Committee constituted for the purpose. The Expert Committee shall consist of :
      • (i) Vice Chancellor - (Chairman)
      • (ii) Nominee of the Chancellor
      • (iii) One expert member approved by the Governing Body
      • (iv) One observer, nominated by the Chairman Regulatory Commission.
    • 2.2.4 Selection of Registrar:
      The University will follow the following procedure for the selection of the Registrar:
      • (i) The University would invite applications for the post through the process of an advertisement in important Newspapers having wider circulation.
      • (ii) A summary of the candidates applied for the post shall be prepared by the Committee consisting of three Professors of the University approved by the Governing Body for the purpose.
      • (iii) The date of meeting of the Selection Committee will be fixed and a notice to this effect shall be given at least 15 days in advance.
      • (iv) The Selection Committee shall interview and adjudge the merit of each candidate and send its final recommendation to the Governing Body.
      • (v) If a suitable candidate is not found in the first advertisement, subsequent advertisements shall be issued.
    • 2.2.5 When the Office of the Registrar falls vacant or when the Registrar is, by reason of illness or long absence due to any other reason, unable to perform his duties of the office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
    • 2.2.6 If at any time upon representation made or otherwise, and after making such inquiry as may be deemed necessary, the situation so warrants that the continuance of the Registrar is not in the interest of the University, the Vice-chancellor may request the Chancellor, in writing stating the reasons therein, for the removal of the Registrar. The Chancellor shall put up the matter for the consideration of the Governing Body whose decision shall be final. Provided that before taking such action of the removal, the Registrar shall be given an opportunity of being heard before the Chancellor.
    • 2.2.7 The Registrar shall receive pay and other allowances as decided by the Governing Body from time to time.
    • 2.2.8 The age of retirement of Registrar shall be sixty five years.
    • 2.2.9 Duties of the Registrar shall include :
      • (i) Maintaining the records, the common property and any such other property of the University as the Governing Body may decide.
      • (ii) To conduct the official correspondence of the Governing Body, Board of Management, Academic Council and of any other committee. The Registrar shall be the Member-secretary but he shall not have a right to vote.
      • (iii) To issue notices conveying the dates of meeting of the university authorities to the members and to make necessary arrangements for the conduction of the meeting and also for other assigned duties by the Governing Body I Board of Management from time to time. He will render desired assistance.
      • (iv) The Registrar shall provide the copies of the Agenda of the meeting of the Governing Body, Academic Council, Board of Management, and such other bodies which are formed under the direction of the Vice Chancellor, and shall record the minutes and send the same to the Vice Chancellor and Chancellor. He shall also make available all such papers, documents and information as the Visitor/Chancellor/Vice Chancellor may desire.
      • (v) He shall discharge all such functions as assigned to him by the Governing Body/Vice Chancellor of the University.
      • (vi) The registrar shall have powers to take disciplinary action against the non teaching employees working in the University and can suspend them, pending inquiry with the approval of the Vice Chancellor.
      • (vii) An appeal can be made to the Chancellor against any order of the Registrar. The Chancellor will be the final authority to take decision on the appeal.
    • 2.2.10 The Registrar may by writing under his hand addressed to the Chancellor, resign his office.
    • 2.2.11 The Registrar shall adhere to following principles to maintain standards in Public Life.
      • Selflessness
      • Objectivity
      • Accountability
      • Openness
      • Leadership
    • 2.2.12 The Registrar shall uphold core values accepted by the University as listed below
      • Integrity
      • Honesty
      • Respect
      • Innovation
      • Excellence
      • Service
      • Hospitality
      • Freedom of Thought and Expression
    • 2.2.13 The actions of Registrar should promote and protect the good reputation of the University, and the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals.
    • 2.2.14 Decisions taken by him with consent of the Registrar must have intention the benefit of the University, its students, staff and others with an interest in it, and must be taken with a view to safeguarding the University’s financial health.
    • 2.2.15 The Registrar shall act for the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the University and for safeguarding its assets.
    • 2.2.16 The Registrar shall promote the interests of the University; act prudently with reasonable care, skill and diligence; complying with all legal responsibilities imposed on by law.
    • 2.2.17 The Registrar shall act selflessly in the interests of the University; acting with integrity, in good faith, honestly, objectively, accountably and for a proper purpose; complying with good governance practice and principles.
    • 2.2.18 The Registrar shall not act for profiting at the University’s expense; in a sectional interest; and shall not misuse the position and authority.
    • 2.2.19 The Registrar shall conduct in an orderly, fair, open and transparent manner.
    • 2.2.20 The main function of the Registrar is to implement strategic policy approved by the GB in consultation and with concurrence of the Registrar.

    • 2.3.1 The Chief Finance and Accounts Officer (CFAO) shall be a key officer of the University responsible for handling accounts and finances of the University.
    • 2.3.2 The CFAO will be a full time salaried officer of the University and shall discharge his duties under general superintendence and control of the Vice Chancellor.
    • 2.3.3 The appointment of the CFAO shall be made by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Sponsoring Body.
    • 2.3.4 When the Office of the CFAO falls vacant or when the CFAO is, by reason of illness or long absence due to any other reason, unable to perform his duties of the office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
    • 2.3.5 If at any time upon representation made or otherwise, and after making such inquiry as may be deemed necessary, the situation so warrants that the continuance of the CFAO is not in the interest of the University, the Vice-chancellor may request the Chancellor, in writing stating the reasons therein for the removal of the CFAO.
    • 2.3.6 The Services of the CFAO can be terminated by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor by giving him one month's notice or one month's salary in lieu of notice, provided. That before taking such action of removal, the CFAO shall be given an opportunity of being heard by the chancellor.
    • 2.3.7 The CFAO shall receive pay and other allowances as decided by the Governing Body from time to time.
    • 2.3.8 The age of retirement of CFAO shall be sixty five years.
    • 2.3.9 Duties of the CFAO shall include:
      • The Chief Finance & Accounts Officer shall be responsible for managing the Accounts and Funds of the University, for maintaining the records properly, and for regularly getting they audited.
      • The Chief Finance & Accounts Officer shall supervise, control and regulate the working of Accounts and Finance of the University.
      • Maintaining the financial records and any such other finance related records of the University as the Governing Body may decide.
      • He shall discharge all such functions as assigned to him by the Governing Body Vice Chancellor of the University.
    • 2.3.10 The CFAO shall adhere to following principles to maintain standards in Public Life.
      • Selflessness
      • Objectivity
      • Accountability
      • Openness
      • Leadership
    • 2.3.11 The CFAO shall uphold core values accepted by the University as listed below
      • Integrity
      • Honesty
      • Respect
      • Innovation
      • Excellence
      • Service
      • Hospitality
      • Freedom of Thought and Expression
    • 2.3.12 The actions of CFAO should promote and protect the good reputation of the University, and the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals.
    • 2.3.13 Decisions taken by him with consent of the CFAO must have intention the benefit of the University, its students, staff and others with an interest in it, and must be taken with a view to safeguarding the University’s financial health.
    • 2.3.14 The CFAO shall promote the interests of the University; act prudently with reasonable care, skill and diligence; complying with all legal responsibilities imposed on by law.
    • 2.3.15 The CFAO shall act selflessly in the interests of the University; acting with integrity, in good faith, honestly, objectively, accountably and for a proper purpose; complying with good governance practice and principles.
    • 2.3.16 The CFAO shall not act for profiting at the University’s expense; in a sectional interest; and shall not misuse the position and authority.
    • 2.3.17 The CFAO shall conduct in an orderly, fair, open and transparent manner.


  • 2.4 The following shall be the other Officers of the University:
    • 2.4.1 Controller of Examination :
      • Controller of Examination will be an officer of the university and shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor from amongst the Teachers of the University.
      • When the office of the Controller of Examination is vacant or when the Controller of Examination is, by reason of illness or absence for any other cause, unable to perform the duties of the office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
      • The Controller of Examination shall control the conduct of examinations and all other arrangements necessary therefore and execution of all processes connected therewith.
    • 2.4.2 Librarian :
      The Librarian shall be a full time salaried officer of the University, and his appointment will be made following the procedure as laid down in the Statute No.(21), through the clause (3) to (9) for the teachers.
    • 2.4.3 Dean Student Welfare (DSW):
      The Dean Students Welfare shall be an officer of the University and shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the Teachers of the University.
  • 2.5 The powers and responsibilities of the Controller of Examination, the Librarian and the Dean Student Welfare (DSW) shall be as specified by the BoM of the University.


    Teachers should:
    • 3.1.1 Be caring, fair and committed to the best interests of the pupils/students entrusted to their care, and seek to motivate, inspire and celebrate effort and success.
    • 3.1.2 Acknowledge and respect the uniqueness, individuality and specific needs of pupils/ students and promote their holistic development.
    • 3.1.3 Be committed to equality and inclusion and to respecting and accommodating diversity including those differences arising from gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, ethnicity, and any further grounds.
    • 3.1.4 Seek to develop positive relationships with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, University management and others in the University community, that are characterized by professional integrity and judgment.
    • 3.1.5 Work to establish and maintain a culture of mutual trust and respect in their University.

    Teachers should:
    • 3.2.1 Act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work.
    • 3.2.2 Respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of information gained in the course of professional practice, unless a legal imperative requires disclosure or there is a legitimate concern for the wellbeing of an individual.
    • 3.2.3 Represent themselves, their professional status, qualifications and experience honestly.
    • 3.2.4 Use their name/names as set out in the University Record, in the course of their professional duties.
    • 3.2.5 Avoid conflict between their professional work and private interests which could reasonably be deemed to impact negatively on pupils/students.

    Teachers should:
    • 3.3.1 Uphold the reputation and standing of the profession.
    • 3.3.2 Take all reasonable steps in relation to the care of pupils/students under their supervision, so as to ensure their safety and welfare.
    • 3.3.3 Work within the framework of relevant legislation and regulations.
    • 3.3.4 Comply with agreed national and University policies, procedures and guidelines which aim to promote pupil/student education and welfare and child protection.
    • 3.3.5 Report, where appropriate, incidents or matters which impact on pupil/student welfare.
    • 3.3.6 Communicate effectively with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, University management and others in the University community in a manner that is professional, collaborative and supportive, and based on trust and respect.
    • 3.3.7 Ensure that any communication with pupils/ students, colleagues, parents, University management and others is appropriate, including communication via electronic media, such as e-mail, texting and social networking sites.
    • 3.3.8 Ensure that they do not knowingly access, download or otherwise have in their possession while engaged in University activities, inappropriate materials/images in electronic or other format.
    • 3.3.9 Ensure that they do not knowingly access, download or otherwise have in their possession, illicit materials/images in electronic or other format.
    • 3.3.10 Ensure that they do not practice while under the influence of any substance which impairs their fitness to teach.

    Teachers should:
    • 3.4.1 Maintain high standards of practice in relation to pupil/student learning, planning, monitoring, assessing, reporting and providing feedback.
    • 3.4.2 Apply their knowledge and experience in facilitating pupils’/students’ holistic development.
    • 3.4.3 Plan and communicate clear, challenging and achievable expectations for pupils/students.
    • 3.4.4 Create an environment where pupils/students can become active agents in the learning process and develop lifelong learning skills.
    • 3.4.5 Develop teaching, learning and assessment strategies that support differentiated learning in a way that respects the dignity of all pupils/ students.
    • 3.4.6 Inform their professional judgment and practice by engaging with, and reflecting on, pupil/ student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum development, ethical practice, educational policy and legislation.
    • 3.4.7 In a context of mutual respect, be open and responsive to constructive feedback regarding their practice and, if necessary, seek appropriate support, advice and guidance.
    • 3.4.8 Act in the best interest of pupils/students.

    Teachers should:
    • 3.5.1 Take personal responsibility for sustaining and improving the quality of their professional practice by:
      • a. Actively maintaining their professional knowledge and understanding to ensure it is current.
      • b. Reflecting on and critically evaluating their professional practice, in light of their professional knowledge base.
      • c. Availing of opportunities for career-long professional development.

    Teachers should:
    • 3.6.1 Work with teaching colleagues and student teachers in the interests of sharing, developing and supporting good practice and maintaining the highest quality of educational experiences for pupils/students.
    • 3.6.2 Work in a collaborative manner with pupils/ students, parents/guardians, University management, other members of staff, relevant professionals and the wider University community, as appropriate, in seeking to effectively meet the needs of pupils/students.
    • 3.6.3 Cooperate with the Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Skills and other statutory and public non-statutory educational and support services, as appropriate.
    • 3.6.4 Engage with the planning, implementation and evaluation of curriculum at classroom and University level.



    Rabindranath Tagore University not only strives to groom our students in to efficient professional but also inculcate ethical values and makes them disciplined patriotic and worthy citizens. To achieve this university has laid down norms for general discipline and ethical conduct. Student must abide by them. They are required to carefully read them and apply them in their conduct.
  • 4.1 General Codes:
    • 4.1.1 Students must ensure that the campus is kept neat and tidy. Littering in the premises, and writing and drawing on the walls are highly objectionable.
    • 4.1.2 Consumption of alcohol, smoking, chewing of tobacco and gutka, and use of chewing gums are strictly prohibited.
    • 4.1.3 Mobile phones should be switched off in lecture halls, laboratories, library and during any academic and non-academic activities.
    • 4.1.4 Students should be punctual and regular in classrooms and laboratories. They should maintain the decorum of the classrooms, labs, library and cafeteria etc.
    • 4.1.5 Students should strictly follow the dress code defined by the University.
    • 4.1.6 In the University, students should carry their ID cards all the time, even while commuting to and from the University.
    • 4.1.7 Students are expected to pay due respect to all faculty members and staff.
    • 4.1.8 Students should work towards developing healthy culture in the University, which includes due respect to their senior students.
    • 4.1.9 Students should inculcate the feeling of belongingness towards the University. They must ensure that no damage is caused to the institution in any way.
    • 4.1.10 The hostellers should follow the rules and regulations of the hostels ardently.
    • 4.1.11 Unauthorized traveling in University buses is strictly prohibited. Students must carry their bus ID cards and produce it on demand.
    • 4.1.12 Ragging is strictly banned in the campus, hostels and outside the campus.
    • 4.1.13 Students are expected to exercise control over verbal as well as non verbal (body) language, while interacting with faculty, staff and fellow students.
    • 4.1.14 Fans, lights and other electrical devices should be switched off after the lectures and practicals get over.

  • 4. 2. Code of Conduct During Exam:
    • 4.2.1 Students are expected to be punctual and reach the examination hall at least 15 minutes earlier. Late comers must report to the examination committee.
    • 4.2.2 Students must come in formal attire or they will be barred from taking the examination.
    • 4.2.3 Any books, notes and other objectionable materials are not allowed inside the Academic Block during the examination.
    • 4.2.4 Students must ensure that they have their own materials; pens, pencils, erasers, staplers, rulers, calculator etc., which they feel is necessary for the paper. No one will be allowed to borrow these items from others while the examination is in progress.
    • 4.2.5 Students must inform the invigilator immediately any discrepancy in the question paper.
    • 4.2.6 Do not communicate with any other student for any reason. If required, communicate with the invigilator.
    • 4.2.7 Mobiles are strictly prohibited during the examination period.
    • 4.2.8 Students should not indulge in any malpractices during the examination.
    • 4.2.9 Any student violating the rules shall be appropriately punished.

  • 4. 3 Code of Conduct in Library:
    • 4.3.1 The Library is for use by members of the University only.
    • 4.3.2 Every effort must be made to minimize noise and disturbance in, and immediately outside the library.
    • 4.3.3 No bags, umbrellas, parcel, etc. except files and books may be brought into the library.
    • 4.3.4 Reservation of seats is not permitted. Books and other articles left for any length of time on chairs and tables may be removed by the library staff.
    • 4.3.5 No books or library materials may be taken out of the library until the loan has been recorded. Unauthorised removal of library materials is regarded as a very serious offence.
    • 4.3.6 Library materials borrowed must be returned on or before the due date.
    • 4.3.7 Books must be treated with care; in particular, no pen or pencil marks be made on them.
    • 4.3.8 Examination papers, dictionaries, atlases and certain other reference books must be used in the library only.
    • 4.3.9 Loss of library cards must be reported to the Librarian immediately.
    • 4.3.10 The library staff on duty has the right to request the user to leave the premises, if he/she is found to be violating any of the library rules.
    • 4.3.11 Heavy fine may be levied for the lost, damaged or overdue items.
    • 4.3.12 Do not use food, drinks, or chewing gum in the library.

  • 4. 4. Code of Conduct in Labs:
    • 4.4.1 Faculty, Lab In-charge and Lab Technicians are fully responsible for all the activities in the Lab and their instructions must be followed in words and spirit.
    • 4.4.2 You have the primary responsibility for your safety. Don’t do anything you feel is unsafe, talk to someone incharge.
    • 4.4.3 Before equipment is operated, the guards for all accessible moving mechanical components must be in place. Do not bypass guards or safeties.
    • 4.4.4 Perform only those experiments, which are authorized by the instructor. Never do anything in the laboratory that is not called for in the laboratory procedures or by your instructor. Carefully follow all written and oral instructions. Unauthorized experiments are prohibited.
    • 4.4.5 Exercise care when working with or near hydraulically or pneumatically-driven equipments. Sudden or unexpected motion can inflict serious injury.
    • 4.4.6 Do not sit on the laboratory counters.
    • 4.4.7 Always get instruction on how to use the tools and instruments. Use only the tool designed to do the job in hand.
    • 4.4.8 No drinks and / or food are allowed in the laboratory.
    • 4.4.9 Students are expected to demonstrate mature judgment and common sense in their work and conduct while working in the laboratory.

  • 4. 5. Code of Conduct in Computer Labs:
    • 4.5.1 The lab technicians and assistants are in charge of the computer lab and their instructions must be followed.
    • 4.5.2 The computer lab is intended to be used for educational purposes only. Use of the Computer Lab is limited to CSE students, staff and faculty.
    • 4.5.3 While using electrical equipments, be careful about the wiring, hanging and damaged cords. Be sure your hands are dry and the electrical equipment is turned off before plugging it into the outlet. Turn off all equipments, when you have finished using them.
    • 4.5.4 Any rules or regulations, which are broken while you are logged in, will be tracked and traced back to you. It is your responsibility to log off the computer when you have finished using it, if instructed by lab assistant.
    • 4.5.5 Students doing course assignments have priority in the lab. Personal browsing of the web and checking e-mail is not considered a priority.
    • 4.5.6 The lab is a work environment. Students may work in groups, but disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Continued disruption of the lab will be referred to campus security.
    • 4.5.7 No personal laptops may be used in the computer lab.
    • 4.5.8 Cell phone usage is a disruption. Please turn your phone off before entering the lab.
    • 4.5.9 Pornography is completely prohibited across CSE campus. In addition, any material found to be offensive to someone else in the lab will result in the lab assistant or technician asking the offender to leave the lab.
    • 4.5.10 All software provided by University is copyrighted. Copying any software is strictly prohibited.
    • 4.5.11 Students are not permitted to install software on units in the lab without consent of the lab technicians.
    • 4.5.12 Do not use food, drinks, or chewing gum in the lab.
    • 4.5.13 Use of any of the computers for commercial purposes is prohibited.
    • 4.5.14 Any computer left unattended for more than 10 minutes will be logged off, and made available for other students, no exceptions.
    • 4.5.15 Use of computers is limited to assigned timings. Students working for more than that may be asked to give up their machine if someone else needs it.
    • 4.5.16 In case of dangerous weather conditions, you must evacuate the room. All computers will be turned off.

  • 4. 6. Hostel Rules:
    • 4.6.1 Introduction
      The Rabindranath Tagore University has authorized the Hostel Warden to manage the affairs of the hostels for both boys & girls. The Hostel Warden is assisted by a team of Caretakers, and all of them are normally residents of the hostels. Maintenance of hostels and mess facilities is managed by the Asst. Warden with the help of supervisory staff.
    • 4. 6.2 Admission:
      • 1. The right of admission to the hostel is reserved. Application for admission to the hostel must be submitted to the Registrar.
      • 2. The allotment of rooms to the applicants will be made by the Hostel Warden/Asst. Warden. The hostellers are not permitted to change their rooms once allotted, .without the written approval from the Asst. Warden.
      • 3. Students with chronic medical problems will not be admitted to the hostel. By chance, if any student with chronic medical problem gets admitted to the hostel, he/she will be asked to vacate the room immediately, when it is brought to the notice of Asst. Warden to enable the student to have proper medical care by the parent / guardian.
      • 4. Regular absentees from classes, monthly tests, University exams and students scoring less than the minimum pass marks in the monthly tests and the university exams may not be permitted to continue to stay in the hostel. In other words, admission and continued stay in the hostel depends upon academic performance and also on good behaviour and conduct. The Hostel Warden decision will be final in this regard.
    • 4. 6.3 General Procedures:
      • 1. The hostel rooms are subject to inspection by the University/ hostel authorities to make sure that they are kept neat and tidy and no unauthorized items like liquor, drugs, lethal weapons etc., are kept in the room.
      • 2. Use of electrical appliances like heaters, hotplates, etc. in the hostel rooms is prohibited.
      • 3. All movements from and to the hostels should be recorded in the movement register kept with the security guard at the entrance of the hostel and should be properly signed. No hosteller is permitted to stay out of the hostel beyond 8:30 pm in the case of boys’ hostel and 7:00 pm in the case of girls’ hostel.
      • 4. The security guard has instructions to lock the gate after the stipulated timings as mentioned above. If hostellers have any local relatives with whom they intend to stay during weekends, or if they have any local relatives who would like to visit them in the hostel, the names and addresses of such local relatives, duly authenticated by the parents/ guardians, should be furnished along with the application.
      • 5. The hostellers are generally discouraged from going out of the hostels during weekends and holidays. However, in extraordinary circumstances, if they want to leave the hostel, written permission has to be obtained from the Asst. Warden. Whenever they leave the hostel for vacations they have to inform the Asst. Warden in writing about their travel plan. The girl students, however, are required to obtain permission from the Asst. Warden and are also required to return on the specified dates and submit the slips, (slip is a part of the proforma) signed by their parents as an indication that they stayed with their parents/ guardian during the weekends holidays/ vacations. In addition they have to "Check out” and ’’Check in” in the movement register kept with the security guard of the block.
      • 6. At the time of starting of the semester, no student should lock any room other than the officially allotted room. Students leaving the hostel after the semester or discontinuing their stay should never lock their rooms and cupboards.
      • 7. Students are not allowed to keep any power driven two wheeler vehicles in the hostel.
      • 8. Students must not keep their valuables in their rooms. They should lock their rooms when they go out for bath, etc.
      • 9. Parties or other social gatherings in the hostel complex are not permitted without the prior consent of the Hostel Warden.
      • 10. The hostellers are not allowed to keep air coolers, musical instruments, cassette record players, and computers, TV, electric irons or any electrical equipment without written permission of the Hostel Warden. Unauthorized possession will lead to confiscation of the goods.
      • 11. All air-conditioners, fans, lights and electrical appliances must be switched off when not in use. All glass windows should be closed securely.
      • 12. The Hostel Management Office reserves the right to make spot checks on the hostel units and the bedrooms without having to give prior notice to the students.
      • 13. Use of Computers:
      • Installation of computer systems in the hostel rooms should be done only after getting written permission from the Hostel Warden.
      • The usage of computer is for academic purpose only.
      • The University / hostel authorities will conduct surprise checks periodically and if anyone is found violating the above rule, disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.
      • 14. Use of cell phones:
      • Ordinary cell phone could be used by the student but not beyond 10 pm.
      • The use of multimedia cell phones is absolutely prohibited in the CSE campus.
    • 4. 6.4 Guests:
      • 1. Guests are not permitted to stay in any of the hostels. If the parents wish to stay, then the student / parent may approach the Asst. Warden for getting accommodation in the guest room, subject to availability.
      • 2. All visitors and non-hostel inmates must register at the Guard House and provide all details and documents as requested by Security before entering the Hostel Complex.
    • 4. 6.5 Discipline:
      • 1. Perfect silence is to be maintained in the hostel premises including rooms, bathrooms, dining halls, corridors, common areas etc. Every student of the hostel must have the civic responsibility that he or she should not be a cause of nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to others.
      • 2. The hostellers are not to enter into any unnecessary conversation, discussions, quarrel or altercation with the hostel staff. If anyone has a complaint against any employee of the hostel, a written complaint against the person is to be lodged with the Asst. Warden. Use of abusive, vulgar and unparliamentarily language against the hostel/mess staff is strictly forbidden.
      • 3. The hostellers shall not waste food, electricity & water. Wastage of food is a national loss. If anyone is found indulging in such wastage, he/she will be asked to vacate the hostel, since wastage causes unnecessary and unavoidable expenditure to others.
      • 4. Smoking is prohibited in the hostel buildings. Gambling in any form such as playing cards (even without money at stake), consumption of alcohol, use of drugs and narcotics, and even possession of such things are prohibited. Anyone found indulging in the use of such things will not only be asked to vacate the hostel but also be rusticated from the University.
      • 5. Possession of any lethal weapons or any instrument / devices, which is likely to cause physical harm to others, is strictly prohibited.
      • 6. If any hosteller is found indulging in any form of instigation / intimidation / threat to any other hosteller, he / she will be asked to vacate the hostel forthwith. In this regard, the decision of the Hostel Superintendent will be final and binding on the individual’s concerned.
      • 7. Day scholars are not allowed in the hostel.
      • 8. Collection of donation for any purpose (religious/ otherwise) is also strictly prohibited.
      • 9. Students are not allowed to play any outdoor games inside the hostel to prevent breakages and accidents. Sliding along the hand rails/rest of stairs and fast running/ climbing down should be totally avoided to prevent accidents.
      • 10. Walking along staircases should be silent, gentle without creating nuisance / noise to fellow hostellers.
      • 11. Students are not allowed to stay in the hostel during the class hours unless the stay is unavoidable due to illness or any other valid reason. In such cases they should take the permission of the Asst. Warden and communicate the information to the Hostel superintendent in writing.
      • 12. Hostellers coming to the hostel after the gate closing hours without prior permission or without valid reason would be fined. Regular late comers will not be allowed to stay in the hostel.
      • 13. Wrong entry, improper / lack of entry in exit register, signing on behalf of another person, tampering with the entries, proxy attendance and misguidance of any nature are punishable. In case of any quarrel between or among roommates it should be reported to the Asst. Warden for appropriate action.
      • 14. Absentees / Latecomers (without prior permission from the Asst. Warden) will be fined.
      • 15. Students coming late / absent regularly will be expelled from the hostel. Such students shall not be readmitted under any circumstances.
      • 16. Violation of any of these rules would result in punitive action, and serious violations would be referred to the ’’Students Disciplinary Committee”. The decision of the committee would however be final.
    • 4. 6.6 Mess Timings and Rules:
      • 1. The meal timings are displayed at the entrance of the dining hall. These timings are to be strictly adhered. It is not obligatory on the part of the kitchen/dining hall staff to serve the meals after the prescribed timings.
      • 2. Dining hall furniture like chairs, tables, etc. and utensils like stainless steel tumblers, plates, spoons etc. are not to be taken out of the dining hall. If anyone is found taking these dining hall properties out, he/she will be suitably penalized.
      • 3. The hostel kitchen is strictly ’’Out of Bounds” for the students.
      • 4. Bringing food from mess to the sick persons in hostels can be done, after getting the written permission from the Asst. Warden.
    • 4. 6.7 Damages and Recovery:
      • 1. Rough handling of dining hall furniture, room furniture or any furniture / property or fittings of the hostel is strictly forbidden.
      • 2. The cost of damages will be recovered in the following manner:
        • If any individual or group is identified to have caused the damage, the cost will be recovered from him/her/group.
        • If damage is done in anyone of the rooms and the person(s) is / are not identified then the cost will be recovered from the room-mates collectively.
        • If a damage is done outside the rooms i.e., in common places like corridors, bathrooms, recreation halls, mess etc., and the person(s) is/ are not identified, then the cost will be recovered, floor wise or block wise or on the whole, as the case may be. Repetition of damage to the hostel property results in expulsion from the hostel.
    • 4. 6.8 Health Care:
      • 1. Medical facility is available in the campus/ hostel.
      • 2. Any hosteller, who is not well, should report to the Asst. Warden / Doctor for appropriate advice.
      • 3. If any sick hosteller requires special diet, he/she should inform the mess supervisor through the Asst. Warden concerned for making suitable provisions.
    • 4. 6.9 Ragging:
      Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited.
    • 4. 6.10 Grievances Redressal Mechanism for student
      A student aggrieved due to conduct of any misconduct, un becoming act or misbehavior of any University employee senior member of committees/team appointed by the university or any teacher/teaching or nonteaching staff will follows following rout to redress his/her grievances.
      • 1. Approach Class Mentor/Tutor guardian/Hostel Warden/HoD/Dean depending on location of occurrence of the incident or availability of above person.
      • 2. Lodge complaint/convey the details verbally or in writing depending on availability of the above people. Obtain signature on the copy of complaint by the person whom complaint is lodged.
      • 3. If non of the above people are available the student may approach any other senior officer including VC and lodge complaint.
      • 4. The officer/employee will handle the grievances/complaint and redress it by appropriate action if he/she feels that it is beyond his/her jurisdiction then he/she will forward the application to right authority in the university within one day.
      • 5. If action taken by the superior officer/employee appears satisfactory to the student he may consider the grievances redressed. If action is not to his satisfactory he may take the application to next in the chain of command i.e. HoD, Dean, and Vice Chancellor in that order. Wherever the student feels the grievances have been redressed to his satisfaction he/she will drop the complaint and given in writing. If an officer is not able to redress the grievances he/she will forward to next person in the chain. At each stage of the chain the officer will not take more than one day to redress. At the stage of VC he may refer the matter to University Grievances & Complaint Committee (UGCC) appointed every year at beginning of session to resolve all the grievances. The grievances redressed at VC’s level will be final and binding on the aggrieved. If a student is aggrieved by action of VC he may lodge complaint to the Chancellor who will redress it within 24 hrs.
    • 4.6.11 Anonymous Complaint
      If a student wants to hide his/her identity for a complaint he/she may put complaint/suggestion in the suggestion box. VC will appoint a committee every year by name Complaint/Suggestion Committee with a very senior person as chairman. The committee will deliberate on the issues raised and recommend remedial measures. VC will decide the action to be taken finally.
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