Resource Mobilization Policies

  1. Introduction

    The University operates student-centric policies with a focus on skill based research-driven quality education which should be accessible and affordable to youth of rural and urban areas. The cardinal principle of management in the University is to provide best resources to the students & faculty to meet the above requirements and run the University for realising the vision and mission of the University. This document draws the policies for resource mobilization. A five-year strategic plan will be made by the University to plan broad academic activities, and related administrative, logistic and developmental activities. Accordingly, the budget estimates and funds requirements are made. This will be broken into yearly activities and the mobilization of resources planned.

  2. Resources

    The University needs three types of resources i.e. Human Resources, Equipment & Material Resources and Infrastructural Resources.

    Human Resources

    The University will ensure that qualified manpower needed to run the educational courses as per the laid down norms of concerned regulatory authority is available. For Officers of the University and other supporting staff the procedure laid down by statutes, ordinances and govt policies will be followed

    Appointment of Teachers

    The posts of Assistant Professors, Associate Professor and Professors are laid down by relevant regulating authorities like AICTE, NCTE, BCI etc. Posts as prescribed by regulating authorities for the department to operate courses will be approved by GB. For any additional requirement or to fill up the vacant posts the matter will be taken up with the GB through Academic Council by respective Depts. After approval of GB the University will initiate the recruitment process.

    Selection and Recruitment Process for Teachers

    As per the vacancies approved by the GB requirement as per the statute, the Registrar will publish the vacancies in the news papers. All the applications will be scrutinized by DR (Est). A Selection Board will be constituted by the University in accordance with laid down norms by the Statute. The Selection Board will have a representative from Regulatory Commission and experts of respective department. The Selection Board will carry out interview, demonstration etc to make a panel of selected candidates as per the merit. The Selection Board will be headed by the VC. Appointments will be done as per the approved vacancies based on actual reporting against appointment letters issued by the Registrar.

    Appointment of Non Technical Staff

    The number of officers/supervisors required for non technical work is laid down by the statutes, act and laid down norms. The Registrar will take up the matter for effective recruitment as per approval of the GB.

    Mobilization of Students against Intake

    The important part of cash inflow in budget outlay is the student admission and resulting fees received from them. In order to ensure that maximum seats are filled against approved intake following mobilization plan is implemented-

    • Quality Education & Infrastructure. The University is to ensure that best teachers and world class infrastructure is available so the satisfied students’ work as ambassadors to mobilize new admissions.

    • Advertisements & Publicity. The University should spend certain amount decided in the budget annually on this head to mobilize admissions effectively and create a brand value.

    • Infrastructure & Facilities. This attracts quality intake and enhances mobility to attract maximum admission. Efforts therefore be made for ensuring world class facilities.

    • Counseling and Guidance. The Counseling Cell mobilizes admission with quality intake by effective action plan Counseling Cell will be therefore provided with matching resources to meet the action plan.

    Equipment & Material Resources

    Based on the Strategic Plan the requirement of equipment & material resources will be worked out by respective departments in BoS and consolidated at university level by Academic Council and BoM. The requirement will be examined at GB level in details.

    Infrastructural Resources

    In order to operate the approved academic programmes effectively and provide administrative support, the building and basic infrastructural requirements will be worked out by the Building Committee in terms of financial load and time needed. The Registrar will provide these inputs in budgetary preparation.

    Funds Mobilisation

    On the basis of Student Intake, Faculty requirements, Lab/library/material need and infrastructural need, the details of funds requirement will be examined and cash inflow/out flow will be worked out at BoS, Academic Council, BoM and Finance Committee. A Resource Mobilization Plan will be made and put up to the GB with following broad outlines.

    • Cash inflow from fees likely from students

    • Cash inflow likely from Govt and Non Govt funding, Consultancy, Alumni Funding, Sponsorship/grants and interest etc

    • Cash outflow based on already running programmes, new acquire, enhancement in expenditures, maintenances, administrative expenditure and depreciation. Repayment of earlier loans interest etc included in cash out flow

    • Deficit due to difference between cash inflow and out flow

    • The GB will discuss various options to meet the fund deficit. The GB will examine possibility of increasing cash inflow or/and reducing out flow by cutting on some demands, postponing some needs. After all the deliberations the GB will tentatively finalize the cash inflow, outflow, deficit and budget outlay.

    Mobilization Plans

    The GB will deliberate and clear the Budget and Associated Action Plan with Following Options to Maximize Funds Mobilization.

    Maximize Cash Inflow

    VC and Registrar will take necessary steps to ensure that admissions are done as per plans, fees is received on time and efforts are made to materialize inflow from fees and other planned resources.

    Minimize Cash Out Flow

    VC and Registrar will ensure, through proper purchasing process and “Conserve and Care Policy of Running Expenses” that cash out flow is minimum as per approved budget.

    Options to Meet the Deficit

    The net likely deficit will be discussed and finalised for funding by GB. Following options will be considered :-

    (i) Funding by Bank Loan

    (ii) Funding by Sponsoring Body

    (iii) Funding partly by Bank Loan and partly by Sponsoring Body GB will finalize the options and approve the final plan accordingly.


    The implementation and deviations from the plan will be monitored at the level of Deans, Registrar, Finance Officers and VC and discussed at the BoS, AC and BoM. VC may call periodic meeting of all concerned to monitor the progress and issue suitable instructions. Any major corrective measures will be applied after approval of the GB, if required.

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