Programme Overview

A Master's degree in Computer Science is an ideal option for individuals seeking to enhance their technical knowledge and expertise while advancing their careers in the technology field. This programme provides a diverse selection of courses and research prospects covering topics like algorithms, software engineering, computer networks, and artificial intelligence. With a strong emphasis on innovation and problem-solving, students develop the necessary skills to address complex technological issues in today's dynamic digital environment. Upon completion, graduates are well-equipped to pursue various career paths, including software engineering, data science, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence research.

  • 2 Years

    Duration of programme

  • PG

    Level of Study

Key Highlights

Wifi Campus
Experienced Faculty
Central Library
High-Configuration Computer Lab
IoT and Advanced Research Lab

How will you benefit

Career advancement: Higher-level positions and increased salary potential with a Master's degree in CSE.
Research opportunities: Hands-on experience in cutting-edge technologies and techniques.
Networking: Building professional connections for future career growth.
Flexibility: Flexible scheduling and online learning options for a balanced study-work-life approach.

What will you study

Advanced algorithms: M Tech CSE covers advanced algorithms for complex problem-solving.

Computer networks: Concepts of network design, protocols, and security.

Artificial intelligence: Machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Advanced Database Systems: Study of advanced database systems and management.


As a result of completing this programme, students should be able to

  • PSO1 - Apply knowledge of mathematical, scientific, and computer science to evaluate, analyse, synthesise, model, and integrate technologies to develop new computer systems for applied engineering systems.

  • PSO2 - Engage in professional practise to promote the development of innovative systems and optimised solutions for Computer Science and Engineering.

  • PSO3 - Specify, design, and develop concurrent and parallel programmes.

  • PSO4 - Determine and optimise the performance of a given algorithm on a given platform.

  • PSO5- Work on unfamiliar problems through investigative studies and research and contribute to the development of technological knowledge and intellectual property.

  • PSO6- Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools, including simulation and modelling, for engineering needs.

  • PSO6- Apply written, oral, and graphic communication.

  • PO1-  Engineering programmes are designed to prepare graduates to attain the following programme outcomes:
  • PO2- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in practise.
  • PO3- An ability to identify, critically analyse, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
  • PO4- An ability to design a system and process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as health, safety, security, and manufacturability.
  • PO5- An ability to devise and conduct experiments, interpret data, and provide well-informed conclusions.
  • PO6- An ability to communicate effectively.
  • PO7- An ability to function professionally with ethical response ability as an individual as well as in multidisciplinary teams with a positive attitude.
  • PO8- An ability to appreciate the importance of goal setting and recognise the need for life-long learning
  • PO9-T o produce well-informed, socially responsible global citizens with sharp critical thinking skills and sound awareness about finance management, engineering laws, human rights, ethics, and values. It is a well-established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.


Software developer
Data Scientist
Cybersecurity Expert
Research Scientist


Eligibility Criteria For M Tech (CSE)

BE/B Tech (CSE) ,BE/BTech(AI& ML), BE/B Tech(Data Science), BE/B Tech in any Relevant Stream

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