Programme Overview

A PhD in Agronomy is a three-year program that offers an opportunity to study and carry out research in the field. It is an academic degree suitable for those who want to pursue a career in the agricultural field. The program covers various topics such as soil and plant sciences, crop production and plant breeding, plant physiology and ecology, etc.  Agronomists are responsible for developing strategies to improve agricultural productivity, increase food security, and improve environmental quality by improving crop yields, increasing crop diversity, and reducing reliance on chemical pesticides and fertilizers. They also design new agricultural technologies that help farmers increase crop productivity while maintaining or improving environmental conditions.

  • 3 Years

    Duration of programme

  • PG

    Level of Study

Key Highlights

Industry-Academia interactions
Well-qualified and highly experienced faculty
Placement and Advisory Services
Communication Lab
Well-versed library

How will you benefit

Boosting the economy and speeding up the development process.
Landmark in achieving food security and sustainability.
Contribution to agricultural development, agro-infrastructure.
Building capacity within the agriculture sector.

What will you study

Comprehensive Plant Knowledge

Ecological Insights

Diverse Crop Production Techniques

Interconnected Agricultural Sectors

  • PO1: Articulate and discuss the recent advanced trends and developments in the field of agriculture.
  • PO2: Work effectively and independently in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.
  • PO3: Generate and share knowledge relevant to specific fields in the study of advances in agriculture.
  • PO4: Formulate, package, implement, and evaluate agriculture-related research, development, and extension programmes, projects, and policies.
  • PO5: Participate in the generation of new knowledge or in research and development projects.
  • PO6: Apply scientific methods in conducting the research activities.
  • PO7: Understand and apply the concepts of agricultural productivity and sustainability in the context of regional, national, and global development.
  • PO8: Engage in agricultural productivity and post-production and post-harvest handling activities.
  • PO9: Promote sound agricultural technologies to various clients and in the manpower development of the agricultural sector.

  • PSO1: Students learn about modern techniques of weed, watershed, and irrigation management with special reference to advanced trends in agronomy and crop ecology.
  • PSO2: Specific knowledge of various allied sectors of agronomy.
  • PSO3: Study the types of land and processes.
  • PSO4: Detailed knowledge on the subject will improve the farmer’s condition through their contributions.
  • PSO5: To apply research methods, techniques, and problem-solving approaches from the field of research in which they are specialising.

  • PEO1: Development of research skills in field and laboratory conditions
  • PEO2: Specialise in specific areas of crop interest (field crops, cereals, oilseeds, fibre, and plantation crops) and grow as professionals at national and international levels.
  • PEO3: Training and dissertation programme to the students as a core course curriculum to keep up with the changes in agricultural technology through lifelong learning.
  • PEO4: Imparting agricultural education that includes communication skills, working in a team with leadership quality, being devoted to ethical and societal problems, and having the ability to engage in lifelong learning


  • Current Trends in Agronomy
  • Advances in crop growth & productivity
  • Irrigation management
  • Advances in soil fertility
  • Biochemistry of Soil organic matter
  • Applied Regression Analysis
  • Intellectual property& Its management in Agriculture
  • Library &Information Services
  • Technical Writing & Communication Skill


Soil Conservationist


M.Sc. (Agronomy) or an equivalent qualifying examination recognized by the concerned university with at least 60% marks in aggregate.

GEN.-60 % ST, SC, OBC-55 %

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