Programme Overview

The Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding at Rabindranath Tagore University is a minimum 3-year doctorate programme that gives students advanced subject knowledge of entomology. For those looking to leave academia, a Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding is a fantastic option. Even individuals who desire to work for themselves can have trouble finding employment. But a PhD will equip them with the knowledge and abilities to work in a non-academic profession. A Ph.D. will make you more distinct from the competition. Your employability will improve as a result of your talents, which will raise both your position and your income. You will also have greater opportunities in the areas of extension, teaching, and research.

  • 3 Years

    Duration of programme

  • Doctoral

    Level of Study

Key Highlights

Well-equipped Genetics Lab
Placement and Advisory Services
Hands-on Training and Workshops
Agricultural Research Farm
Well-versed library

How will you benefit

Genetic modification: Train students in the principles and methods of genetic modification to introduce desirable traits into plants, such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, or increased nutritional value.
Hybrid seed production: Teach students the process of hybridization, including the selection and crossing of parental lines, to produce hybrid seeds that exhibit improved traits such as yield potential, disease resistance, or uniformity.
Inbred line development: Equip students with the knowledge and techniques required to develop inbred lines, which are essential for breeding programmes.
Germplasm evaluation: This evaluation helps identify valuable traits for breeding programmes and conservation efforts.

What will you study

Traits are selected and purified via self-pollination generations.

Preserve diversity for resilience and adaptability.

Train in germplasm evaluation and genetic material study.

Teach ethical awareness in plant biotech.

  • PO1: The programme offers comprehensive education on genetics and plant breeding in various crops within the field of agriculture.
  • PO2: Comprehend plant reproduction systems, genetic variability, and selection and breeding strategies.
  • PO3: Disseminating knowledge on advanced and innovative research techniques in genetics and plant breeding
  • PO4: Enhance students' competitiveness in pursuing advanced studies in the field of Agriculture.
  • PO5: Provide comprehensive practical training on germplasm screening, inbred line development, and hybridization techniques for diverse crops.

  • PSO1: Locate and breed resistant or superior varieties for a certain environment.
  • PSO2: Learn about the heritage of agriculture as well as the genetics and breeding practises used to cultivate a wide variety of crops in both traditional and modern agricultural settings.
  • PSO3: Identify genes, isolate them, define their function, and manipulate their expression in various crops across a range of environmental conditions.

  • PEO2: Equip students with the ability to analyse current agricultural issues at both local and global levels.
  • PEO2: Equip students with the ability to analyse current agricultural issues at both local and global levels.
  • PEO3: To anticipate their impact on future agriculture.
  • PEO4: To develop scientific skills among students, particularly in rural areas, to better serve their communities.


  • Plant Genetics resources and Pre-Breeding
  • Molecular and chromosomal manipulation for crop Breeding
  • Advances in plant Breeding Systems
  • Recent trends in Biological Control
  • Advance Insecticide Toxicology
  • Applied regression Analysis
  • Library &Information Services
  • Technical Writing & Communication Skill
  • Intellectual property& Its management in Agriculture


Assistant Professor
Subject Matter Specialist
Senior Research Fellow
Soil Survey Officer


MSc. (Ag.) in Genetics

Plant Breeding with 50%

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