Programme Overview

The professionals involved in these works have to practise their yoga and asanas so that they can be in touch with all the benefits and implement them in their everyday lifestyle. It may involve travelling from one place to another; it ensures regular movement and physical work and social interaction with different customers and companies, which helps the person improve their work efficiency and their confidence and comfort while dealing with others. helps to increase Some of the skills that a student will develop during the course are mentioned below: These skills, like communication with customers and other team workers and working and coordinating with others to achieve goals, help increase the performance level of the company or ensure a healthy lifestyle for the candidates who practise them. Following where the person is working. Work management helps them be efficient in their work, their workplace, and their health.

  • 1 Years

    Duration of programme

  • PG

    Level of Study

Key Highlights

Huge Campus
Large Lecture Hall
Clean, conducive yoga hall for practice
Experienced, diverse faculty for all specialties
Ideal Location

How will you benefit

Hospitality Industry and Private Instruction: Luxury hotels, resorts, and wellness retreats often offer yoga classes and programmes to their guests.
Health and Wellness Sectors: With the growing focus on holistic health and wellness, there's a demand for skilled yoga professionals in medical centres, hospitals, rehabilitation centres, and wellness clinics.
Diverse Job Opportunities: A PG Diploma in Yoga opens up a wide range of job opportunities across different sectors.
Educational Institutions: Many educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities, recognise the value of yoga in promoting physical and mental well-being.

What will you study

One-year intensive study of yoga principles

Ideal for yoga career seekers.

Balanced practical and theoretical yoga study.

Balances practical and theoretical yoga training.

  • PO1. At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand the traditional.
  • Indian Yoga Systems: Philosophy and New Thinking of Yoga Systems

    Yoga movement in the country.

  • PO2. Students will be able to understand the principles of Hatha Yoga.

    text in this field.

  • PO3. The programme will develop a basic understanding of human anatomy.

    Deep understanding of human physiology and human systems.

  • PO4. Students will be introduced to the essential elements of a yogic lifestyle.

    Concept of health and disease and their treatment through yoga practise. They

    Panchkosha will also learn an overview of human existence.

  • PO5. Students will be introduced to regular and rigorous practise (Sadhana).

    Yoga practise that will make them disciplined and knowledgeable yoga teachers.

  • PSO1: To introduce the basic concepts of preventive health and health promotion through yoga.
  • PSO2: To introduce students to the concepts of the human body so that they can be built.
  • PSO3) Develop a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of yoga.
  • PSO4: To practise and train teachers on the promotion of preventive health and positive health Through Yoga and personality development.

  • PEO1: Firstly, the candidate can go for higher studies if he or she is interested in pursuing a career in academia through other undergraduate and postgraduate courses. They can do Masters and PhDs in Yoga for development in the research field.
  • PEO2: Secondly, after a diploma, they can apply for various job profiles in sectors like educational institutions, medical centres, health care departments, hotels, etc., and jobs related to yoga, health, and fitness, or as a trainer or instructor. Through different job prospects, one can earn around Rs 12,000 to Rs 18,000 per month or more, depending upon the institute and job profile.
  • PEO3: After completing the diploma, candidates can pursue bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in the respective fields of Physical Education.


  • Human Anatomy and physiology
  • Yoga and Mental Health
  • General Diseases.


Educational institutions
Health care centre
Medical centre


Eligibility Criteria

Bachelors in any science discipline

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